(A) Last 4 Quarters Performance – YOY Of Tech Mahindra

Key Margins – Quarterly

(B) Quarter on Quarter Performance of Tech Mahindra

(C) Annual Performance (YOY) of Tech Mahindra

(D) Key Highlights – Concall Q4 FY22
- The company overall signed deals with value more than $3.3Bn in FY22.
- The company saw some very big deals, mainly in CME (Communications, Media & Entertainment) and BFSI (Banking, Financial Services & Insurance).
- The company got a growth of 5.4% (constant currency terms) in FY22.
- EBITDA Margin (Excluding Other Income) reduced to 17.2% lower by 80bps on quarter on quarter basis.
- Free cash flow for the quarter was about $111Mn which is less than last quarter cash flow was impacted because of the additional hardware and software investment as well as some OPEX payments which the company had to make for the future.
- Net margin increased by 30bps over the last quarter and is now at 12.6%.
- The communication business grew by 17.2% while the enterprise business grew by 17.4%.
- Company DSO (Daily sales outstanding) days which have increased last quarter, have improved by about four days to 97-days.
- The net profit margin for the quarter is 12.72% which increase about 30bps over the last quarter.
The company reported healthy revenue growth. However, due to macro-economic issues, the revenue is expected to grow at a lower rate in FY23. The company added 10,000+ freshers during FY22 and is expected to continue the same in FY23 as a part of its plan to optimize employee costs.
The company is maintaining its focus on wave-2 and Metaverse.
- Wave-2 is an internal program which looks at data flow from IoT, from various devices, as all the data is not only managed through conventional tools and platforms, but also through AI, how the data goes to Edge Computing or data centers or the cloud and how we are able to secure the data.
- The company is helping in building Metaverse ecosystem. It is also helping few people on eCommerce on NFT, a few people who are looking at creativity, a few people who are looking at solving business challenges in the retail sector, or in some cases working on the content again, which is about the teaching platforms or education or simulation for the sports
Moreover, Its 5G investment is giving the company returns.

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References: Annual Reports, News Publications, Investor Presentations, Corporate Announcements, Management Discussions, Analyst Meets & Management Interviews, Industry’s Publications.
Disclaimer: The report only represents personal opinions and views of the author. No part of the report should be considered as recommendation for buying/selling any stock. Thus, the report & references mentioned are only for the information of the readers about the industry stated.
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