Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) is one of the leading Oil and Gas exploration, development and production companies in India. It is also one of the largest Gas Trading Companies in India. In addition, Corporation has a significant presence in the Gas Transmission and Gas Distribution Businesses. Company conducts its Exploration, Development and Production activities both Onshore and Offshore in India and overseas. Government of Gujarat along with its public sector undertakings are holding more than 86.89% of Equity of the company.
Group Structure of GSPC is as follows –
Click to enlarge the image

Company through its Subsidiaries and Associates, operate the largest Gas Transmission and Distribution Network in the State of Gujarat.
GSPC’s Subsidiary, Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL), is a gas transmission company. On the other hand, Gujarat Gas and Sabarmati Gas, are engaged in the business of City Gas Distribution and related Pipeline Infrastructure in Gujarat.
Between them, these companies have developed pipeline infrastructure and supply piped gas to domestic customers, industrial customers, commercial customers and Compressed Natural Gas (“CNG”) stations in Gujarat. Company also trade in Liquefied Natural Gas (“LNG”), catering to industries, engaged in power generation, steel and city gas distribution, among others.
GSPC is also engaged in other activities in the Energy Sector as well. Associate Company, GSPC LNG Limited, is developing an LNG terminal at Mundra in Gujarat.
Another Associate Gujarat State Energy Generation Limited, owns and operates a gas based power plant at Hazira in Gujarat. Moreover, another wholly owned subsidiary, GSPC Pipavav Power Company Limited (GPPC), has set up a gas-fired combined cycle power plant at Pipavav in Gujarat. Company has also set up a Wind Farm at Jakhau in Gujarat.
Listed Companies Of GSPC Group
- Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL)
- Gujarat Gas Limited (GGL)

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